Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ring F. Diamond

The shy innocent little girl in the body of a tall beautiful woman.

Ring is an young Giantess Nekofi girl that became an orphan at a very young age. She even contracted a disease known as the Fast Forward syndrome, a disease that causes one to age much more rapidly each year until the disease stops and dies. The victims stop aging once the disease goes away; in Ring’s case, it was soon after she became 4 years old, leaving her with the body of a 25 year old woman. With all of the orphanages refusing to help her because of her adult appearance, Ring wandered around just trying to find a place where she could stay. One day, Ring met a boy name Spike Gecko who offered to let Ring live with him in his home; she immediately took him up on his offer without hesitation. Little did poor Ring know that she had just walked into a trap; the moment she stepped into Spike’s home, he immediately put a blue collar that had his two of his symbols (they looked like gecko shaped badges) on it around her neck. When she asked him why she had to wear the collar he answered by saying that all ”pets” had to wear collars so that everybody would know that she belonged to him now and that if she didn’t do everything that he told her to do that he would throw her out, leaving her homeless again.

Poor Ring had no choice but endure whatever Spike demanded of her. He always had her on a leash whenever the two of them were out in public and would always tie the leash to something whenever he had a stop to make, saying that ”pets” aren’t allowed in stores, even if there was harsh weather conditions on that particular day. Spike often made her wear embarrasing clothes like small maid outfits and magical-girl cosplay that barely fit her, which always ended with very humiliating results. He would make her take the blame for any trouble that he or his friends caused, which gave him a reason to discipline her in public. And whenever they were at the beach or waterpark, he made her wear a tiny bikini that he would often snatch off of her body and run away leaving her completely naked as she cried in humiliation and chased after him begging him to give it back to her...which he NEVER did.

Some time later, all of this torment became too much for poor Ring to take. On one rainy night, she tried to kill herself by jumping off of a bridge into deep water and drowning but was stopped by Ashuro Kamaké, who happened to be walking along the same bridge that very moment. When he asked her about why she had just tried to jump, Ring cried heavily and ran back to the place that she was sure that she’d never escape from, Spike’s home. Unknown to her, Ashuro secretly followed her there, genuinely worried about her. Spike was waiting outside for to come back; when he started scolding Ring, Ashuro learned everything about Ring’s situation. Without hesitation, Ashuro couragously confronted Spike and after many words and some fighting, Ashuro emerged victorious and took Ring back with him to his ship where she met the rest of the Checkmark Crew and saw just how different they all were from Spike. And before she could ask, Ashuro invited her to become a member of his crew and assured her that she’d never be treated the same way that Spike treated her if she decided to come with them. Seeing Ashuro’s smiling face and feeling the relaxingly safe aura around him, Ring happily joined the Checkmark Crew, having many adventures with them as they traveled the multiverse.

In time, Ring became less introverted and has opened up to many more people and made many friends in the process, her very first ones (aside from her crewmates) being Mizuki Ichiro and her second one being Annaliese Fellorr, who she looks up to as a big sister. But among all of her new friends, the one that she’s come to cherish the most was Annaliese’s new big brother, Kevin Aashiem. Ever since the day he took an interest in getting to know her, the two of them became really close...so close that Ring realized something: that she is in love with him. She really wanted to tell him but was afraid of being rejected and possibly jeapordizing their friendship, but those fears were quickly laid to rest when Kevin confessed to her (he handed her a card with his confession written in it since he was too nervous to speak) and the two of them became an official couple.

Fun Facts: Ring’s very shy personality often makes her blush bright red a stutter when she talks, making her look incredibly cute and adorable. XD

First Name: Ring

Middle Name: Francesca

Last Name: Diamond

Age: 11

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Brown/Sea Green

Eye Color: Green

Height: 8”11 ft

Race: Giantess Nekofi (Norwegian Forest Cat)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Unknown

Likes: Clouds, soft objects, pretzels, ice cream, peaches, butterflies

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates, Nikki, Mizuki, Annaliese, Hiri, Erusu, Lynette, Hana, Hayumi, Sick-Little-Wolfboy, Marius, Skylar and many more...

Family: Unknown

Loves: Kevin Aasheim

Hates: Bullies, being bullied and teased, seeing others being tormented, reptile-like people

Fears: Spike Gecko, Pyro Darkesis, Slam and Zoey Bucksen

Hobbies: Being with her friends, solving puzzles, cuddling with Kevin, drawing, climbing trees, catching bugs

Dream: To be brave and have confidence in herself and her abilities

Abilities: Hidden weapon specialist, growing to Giantess size

Pensword Name: Hasn’t acquired one yet

Birthday: May 12, 2002

Voice: Sounds like Hinata Hyuga (Naruto) http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/tv-shows/Naruto/


  1. Another girl who's in love with Kevin? What else is new? -_-;;

    But seriously it is nice that she found a close friend and confidante with him and some of our friends. ^_^

  2. TT^TT Poor Ring...I couldn't even imagine that she had it THAT bad in her past...

    And ironically enough, Kevin feels the same way and is afraid of the exact same thing that can happen if he does tell her... ^^;

    1. Then the two of them should confess to each other then. Ring is both honest and sincere so you know her love for Kevin is genuine and true. ^w^

    2. Indeed they should...if either one (most likely Kevin) gathers enough courage to do so. ^w^;
