Saturday, January 21, 2012

Claire M. Treasure

Funny, flirty and furry; it’s Claire Treasure.

As a child, Claire was a very lonely child. She was born as the love child of two overly business-minded company owners. With the two of them always busy, they never had (or even attempted to make) time for Claire, who spent most of her time alone in a rather large mansion full of servants and maids, with no REAL friends her own age. Her only friend was her uncle Hunter Alan, who always came over to see her whenever he had time or something cool to show her. Around the time Claire was 7, her parents noticed that she wasn't physically maturing and that her skin, hair and fur color had changed from brown/white to black/white. Through a blood test, it was discovered that she had both Aquitican and Solnar blood inside her body; something that is considered an abomination. In an attempt to keep this "shameful" fact from coming to the attention of the public, they sold Claire to the current boss of the Saturn family, Lorenzo Saturn (will be drawn later,) as a guinea pig for MASTER HQ various projects, and adopted a new daughter that looked enough like Claire to take her place. By the time she escaped with Ashuro and Scooter, Claire had developed some severe abandonment issues and was afraid to let anybody get close to her. Ashuro refused to leave her alone and tried his hardest everyday to make her laugh and gain her trust, which he accomplished successfully. Her uncle Hunter eventually found her after searching for her those same 3 months and took her in as his own daughter and trained her in business management, providing her with valuable knowledge that she would need when it was time for her to take over Treasure Industries.

A few years later, Claire reunited with Ashuro and decided to join him on his travels as a member of the Checkmark Crew where she made many new friends and rivals in the process. She formed a fast friendship with Fuu Rain then an extra special bond with Kiki Sokudo by Solnar Transfer and Annaliese Fellorr with Solnar Unity so that she’d always be with them no matter what happens.

Fun Fact: One of Claire’s signature quirks is how her tongue is always sticking out nearly every time you see her and is also VERY quick to anger if you call her a skunk.

First Name: Claire

Middle Name: Malté

Last Name: Treasure

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Black and White

Eye Color: Silver

Height: 5”09 ft.

Race: Nekofi (Maine Coone)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy type: Wind

Likes: Perfumes, music, video games, strawberries, chocolate, helping Sashi test out the durability of the clothes she designs, Gligar(s) and Gliscor(s)

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates, Annaliese, Kevin, Jimmy, Blitzkrieg, Fuu, Kiki, Karin, Mizuki, Maggie, Anming, Ayaka and many more…

Family: Hunter Alan (uncle), Kiki Sokudo (Solnar Transfer sister) Annaliese Fellorr (Solnar Unity sister)

Loves: Ashuro Kamaké and Fuu Raien

Hates: Seeing her friends being attacked and tormented, being called a skunk

Fears: Being abandoned

Hobbies: Dancing, sleeping, cooking, doing things with Annaliese

Abilities: Stretching, inflation, transformation, nerve manipulation

Birthday: January 10, 1996

Voice: Sounds like Ino Yamanaka (Naruto) Claire's fighting style is similar to Ino's too


  1. I should probably let you know that Blitzkrief is going to be re-invented some.

  2. Whenever you're feeling up to it, I would love to Rp with Claire.

    It seems that Shonnie and co have little connection with the rest of your OC's...

    1. Yeah, I really want to, but need to put all of the focus I can muster into TM Episode 0. But don't worry, I've created an extra folder in my DA messages page that has all of on hold RPs that I've started (including the one with Claire having fun with Jimmy and Blitzkrieg as well as the one about the Poke Ball incident with Victora :D)

  3. Poor little Claire, she's had such a sad childhood... :( Being left alone certainly is one of the worst things a person can go through...

  4. Annaliese, Ashuro, and Claire are all have some quite bad pasts... ^^;

    Where's the time machine if you need one? XD

  5. I just realized something. Claire dosen't have a listed dream.

  6. If I'm not imposing maybe Claire could become friends with Lucien Murlock? :)
