Monday, January 23, 2012

Emerald R. Lien

Beware of the Scratch Cat, BEWARE!! XD

Emerald was raised by her father, Link Kula, who runs a dojo for swordsmanship that has been owned by his family for several generations. Out of all of his pupils, Link trained Emerald on an intensity level that was nearly three times harder than the level of his advanced class so that she would be ready to inherit the dojo when the time came. However, the bad thing was that Emerald really didn’t like sword fighting…and was very clumsy and extremely near-sighted whenever she lost her glasses, thus gaining her the unwanted nickname “Emerald Dinkley.” Despite trying her hardest, Link never once praised Emerald for her effort, causing her confidence and self-worth to plummet rapidly as time passed. And if that wasn’t bad enough, she was constantly bullied by her cousin Jamie Kula and the other young students who do her bidding because of how much they admired her. Years of this treatment had reduced Emerald into a cowardly little crybaby who would run away and hide from anything that frightened her.

On one particular night as the dojo was closing down for a long weekend, Emerald noticed one of the training swords in a corner that somebody must’ve forgot to put away. Picking it up, she headed towards the sword closet to put it away. Opening the closet door, she stepped inside…then immediately tripped and crashed face-first into the wall hard. The impact shook the small closet’s walls, causing all of the swords hanging on them to fall on top of Emerald, slashing and pinning her to the ground which left her unable to avoid the final three swords that fell down and pierced her through her heart. Remarkably, none of the swords hit her vitals but she was losing blood at an alarming rate. As she was slowly approaching death, all of the pain of frustration and hate she had let build up manifested itself in the form of a second personality that somehow managed to keep her alive until she was found nearly two days later. From that day onward, Emerald had become an entirely different person; no longer was she a scared little girl, but an ice cold-hearted destroyer who felt no pain, no reason and absolutely no mercy.

Years later after becoming the head of the Disciplinary Committee in Middle School, Emerald met Ashuro. Due to their clashing personalities the two of them ended up fighting nearly every day and it always ended the same way with Ashuro defeating her. Furious with the thought of not being able to defeat him, Emerald tried to gain Ashuro’s natural strength by ripping his antenna out of his head and putting it in hers. She succeeded in gaining Ashuro’s strength but it was short-lived when the full effects of her rash action activated. The once tall human Emerald became a tiny Nekofi with Aquitican blood and the appearance of a 6 year-old. After a number of suspenseful events, Emerald ended up joining Ashuro on his journeys throughout the multiverse. During this time, Emerald learned what it was like to have real friends. Later on down the line, she met a Shinigami named Trey Lien; although their first meeting wasn’t ideal, the two of them quickly became best friends…and after Emerald blurted out a confession in nervousness, the two of them became an official couple who love each other dearly. Then on one night one year later, Emerald got the biggest surprise of her life when Trey proposed to her...and she accepted his proposal without any hesitation. The two of them are now a happily married couple.

Fun Fact: Ever sense Emerald became a Nekofi she acts a lot like a little kitten; she enjoys having her head rubbed, purrs whenever she’s happy and loves to be babied by Trey. XD

First Name: Emerald

Middle Name: Raine

Last Name: Lien

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Height: 2”05 ft (6"07 ft. in her true form)

Race: Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Fire

Likes: Milk, ribbons, fish, cookies, kiwis

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates, Tenrio, Luna, Hana, Hayumi and many More

Family: Trey Lien (husband) Link Kula (father) Jamie Kula (cousin)

Hates: Avocados, walnuts, sweets with mint in them

Fears: Swords, needles and other sharp objects

Hobbies: Reading, climbing trees, swimming, playing card games, playing with circular objects

Dream: To overcome her fears

Abilities: Transforming between her two forms/personalities to fit the situation (her small body is perfect for speed and skill while her tall body is perfect for strength and endurance)

Pensword Name: Orichalcrusher

Birthday: February 20, 1994

Voice: Sounds like Nefertari Vivi (One Piece [Karen Neill])


  1. Man, poor Emerald. She had quite a rough past... :(

    Good thing she and Trey found happiness. :)

  2. Awww, Emerald, the little cutie. ^//^

    1. You can only imagine how overjoyed Trey is to have her as a girlfriend. :)
