Friday, December 23, 2011

Yani W. Muffy

A silly, sugary sweet little fairy girl

Yani Muffy is a Nekofi Fairy who wondered out of her homeland (the Fairy Realm) at the age of five to play against her parent’s constant warnings. It wasn’t even 5 minutes before she was captured by pirates and placed in a glass jar to contain her, which resulted in her becoming claustrophobic. She was a prisoner for nearly half a year before getting rescued by Ashuro and his crew who had infiltrated the pirate ship while docked to retrieve all of the stolen goods onboard and return them to its rightful owner. Yani took an instant liking to Ashuro (even making herself his self-proclaimed fiancée at one point) and forcefully joined his crew on their adventures.

Her true potential is still unknown at the moment. Yani does however have the ability to increase her age and body size at will whenever she wants to, which makes her look like a tomboyish teenager. In the “Plus Form” Yani is very adept at hand to hand combat and uses a variety of suplex and lucha libré techniques to deal with her opponents.

Recently for some reason only known to her, Yani has fallen in love with Shonnie Flash’s partner Cheeko D, who now has the “honor” of being her new self-proclaimed fiancée…despite his many protests. XD

First Name: Yani

Middle Name: Wataru

Last Name: Muffy

Age: 11

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Violet with a stripe of black

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6 inches

Race: Fairy Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy type: Nature

Likes: Sweet foods, flowers, sunshine

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates and many, MANY more…

Loves: Cheeko D

Hates: Windy days

Fears: Being trapped in bottles and other small spaces

Abilities: Growing/shrinking, suplex and lucha libré wrestling

Birthday: February 26, 2002

Voice: Sounds like Sugar with a cockney accent (A Little Snow Fairy Sugar)

1 comment:

  1. Lol, sweet bio. She and Cheeko are going to be fun to draw together. XD
