Saturday, November 26, 2011

Snoopy D. Raiko

For whatever Snoopy lacks in courage, he makes up for in heart.

Growing up, Snoopy Raiko was just your everyday average boy…who got scared real easily and was basically a coward that would run away from trouble whenever he could. Because of this, he quickly became a target for bullies and other tormenting types, the worse of them being Artisha Williams. His best friend, Nikki Jen, tried everything she could think of to make Snoopy tougher and more courageous; unfortunately they all ended up having the exact opposite effect on him. Even though he didn’t make any progress in terms of strength and courage, he realized that he had an amazing talent for treating injuries; this greatly inspired his choice to become a doctor. Snoopy loved reading superhero comics, dreaming of being just as strong, noble and courageous as them. He was ecstatic when he finally got to meet an armored heroine named “Masked Eagle” Ruby who he quickly became friends with. Taking a chance, he asked Ruby if he could become her apprentice; although a little surprised at first, she didn’t once hesitate and happily accepted becoming his teacher. The time he spent with Ruby and her teammates “Heavy Knuckle” Sally and “Victory Knight” Gaura gave Snoopy a tremendous boost in his self-confidence and helped him find the courage that was buried deep inside of him.

When Ruby was captured by Rex Tyrant and had some very powerful energy transferred to her body, Snoopy fought long and hard to save her life; and with Ashuro’s aid, he was able to do so without her suffering any long-term injuries. A few days after that incident, Snoopy and Ruby confessed their love for each other and became an official couple.

Fun Fact: Whenever Snoopy gets scared or surprised he reacts just like Courage the Cowardly Dog would in those situations. XD

First Name: Snoopy

Middle Name: Dante

Last Name: Raiko

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 3”09

Race: Lobinu (Shetland Sheep Dog)

Bloodline: Mentelé

Elemental E-nergy type: Water

Likes: Comic books, peanut butter, cheese, foods cooked with various herbs

Friends: Ashuro, his crewmates, Nikki, Sally aka Heavy Knuckle, Gaura aka Victory Knight, Megumi, Noir, Oceana, Virgil, Fuu, Shonnie, Jimmie, Skylar, Reina, Kara, Cassandra, Yuki and many more…

Loves: Ruby aka Masked Eagle

Hates: Bullies, being bullied, seeing others being bullied or hurt, being surprised

Fears: Not being able to help the ones he cares about most when they really need him

Hobbies: Foraging for herbs, reading comic books, training with his Masked Heroine friends

Dream: To become a great doctor and a reliable person that everybody can count on

Abilities: Using his Water-type elemental E-nergy to create barriers and heal his friends

Pensword Name: Will Guard Eternal

Birthday: February 5, 1995

Voice: Sounds like Hanataro Yamada (Bleach)

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