Friday, March 16, 2012

Klarina A. Koco

A Cheetah Nekofi with a rather unreadable air about her.

Klarina is the Princess of the Spot Fang Kingdom who didn’t speak a single word because everyone around her either spoke over her or for her everytime she tried to speak. Since her overprotective parents wouldn’t let her leave the palace unless it was an emergency situation, Klarina spent most of her days homebound, surrounded by various tutors and instructors who would teach her everything that she’d need to know for when it was time for her to become the next Queen. As close as she ever got to being outside was by looking out of her window and watch as other kids her age played together...wishing that she could be out there with them. It wasn’t until she was four years old that Klarina finally got to go outside with her parents and many guards to attend a summer festival. She snuck off the very moment her guards weren’t watching her too explore the many festival attractions and ended up getting lost in the huge crowd. After wandering around crying her eyes out, she was found by Byakuru Koco (he just happened to be visiting the kingdom on business and decided to attend the festival after completing his task) who helped the frightened child look for her parents. Unfortunatly, Byakuru’s natural clumsiness quickly created a huge chaotic mess that made everybody think that he was a terrorist who was holding Klarina hostage. As the guards moved in to arrest Byakuru, a determined Klarina leapt up and clung to his chest and refused to let go, not saying a single thing. When questioned by her worried parents, Klarina made a series of gestures that nobody could understand...except for Byakuru who quickly translated what she was saying, ending the confrontation when they understood that everything was a complete misunderstanding. Seeing how taken their daugther was with him, they made Byakuru Klarina’s new official tutor to please her (unknown to him it was in reality a humongous community service sentence for all of the damages Byakuru caused that night ^^;)

A few months after becoming her tutor, Byakuru brought his son Batou with him one day. Klarina fell in love with him the very moment their eyes met but was way too shy to ever approach him and hid under her bed. She didn’t see Batou again after that day until 10 years later when she heard that he was traveling with Ashuro and that they just happened to be in the Spot Claw Kingdom to participate in an anime convention. Klarina packed her things and put on one of her many alternate color Lum Invader bikinis and left the palace unseen, making sure to leave a note behind before she left. Once she found Batou, she just started following him around everywhere he went which really freaked him out a lot. After the convention was over and just when he thought that his new stalker had stopped following him around, Batou entered into his room on the ship to find that Klarina was there waiting for him. When he asked Ashuro how she got onboard he finds out that Klarina asked Ashuro if she could join his crew and he simply accepted her offer.

Fun Facts: Klarina is capable of talking but chooses not to. Whenever she sees certain small animals, her natural instincts take over and she’ll immediately go into hunting mode; her victims so far have been Rocko Yemma, Cheeko D and Jack Little. Batou got Sashi to make a few doll versions of himself that he mainly uses to distract Klarina so he can make a quick getaway whenever he needs to. XD

First Name: Katrina

Middle Name: Alexandra

Last Name: Koco

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Dark Green/Leaf Green

Eye Color: Black

Height: 6”06 ft.

Race: Nekofi (Cheetah)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Unknown

Likes: Anime, meat

Friends: Byakuru, Ashuro, her crewmates, Nicole, Kai, Yosei, Hana, Shaasha, Jaabili and many more.

Family: Batou Koco (husband), Arthur Paige (father), Laura Paige (mother)

Hates: Having her hunts interrupted, losing her prey, Batou ignoring her

Fears: Losing Batou, being hated by Batou

Hobbies: Running, napping in grassy fields, hunting, watching anime, stalking Batou, hanging out with Shaasha and Jaabili

Dream: To live a happy life with Batou

Abilities: As a Cheetah-model Nekofi, Klarina is extremely fast and has really strong legs due to this fact; this makes her tackles and kicks wickedly powerful. She can utilize her natural hunting instincts to stalk and spy on her targets without being spotted (perfect for recon) and use her E-nergy to either MAX out one of her five senses or create a light camoflauge to blend in with her surroundings. Recently she seems to have formed a telepathic-like link with Batou where he can hear she’s saying to him without even gesturing; the link is so strong that Batou can hear her even if she’s on the other side of the planet.

Pensword Name: Doesn’t have one

Birthday: November 25, 1994

Voice: Sounds like Yoruichi Shihōin (Bleach)

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