Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jade T. Kamaké

Ashuro’s hyper-active, tomboyish mother.

As a child Jade was the princess of the Crystal Kingdom that had everything she could’ve ever wanted…except for real friends and adventure. She would constantly sneak out of the castle in search both things, disguising herself as a child from the Kaka clan. On one of her outings she met the timid yet brave Tsuna Kamaké and the two of them became best friends. Soon afterwards she made Tsuna her personal knight, allowing him to be with her at the castle where she finally had somebody to join her in all of her adventures. When got older she married Tsuna and they settled down and had a child together, naming him Ashuro after Tsuna’s grandfather. Both Jade and Tsuna were later killed by an angry mob of non-human haters organized by Pyro Darkesis but were saved from their fate by Lorenzo who came to their aid and kept them safe until it would be time for them to confront Pyro. Both of them are currently living on the planet Ookami in a safe dimension created by Lorenzo.

Fun Fact: She always calls her husband Tsuna by the nickname she gave him when they were kids: Little Guy. ^w^

First Name: Jade

Middle Name: Tangerine

Last Name: Kamaké

Age: 38

Sex: Female

Hair color: Green

Eye color: Green

Height: 6”02 ft

Race: Nekofi (Domestic Shorthair)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Likes: adventuring, napping, eating tasty foods

Friends: Lorenzo, Arzekiel, Dena, Gin, Masaki, Hiroki, Helena, Byakuru and many more

Family: Tsuna Kamaké (husband), Ashuro Kamaké (son)

Hates: Having to sit still for long periods of time

Fears: Losing Tsuna and Ashuro

Birthday: April 30, 1974

Voice: Sounds like Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Tsuna K. Kamaké

Ashuro’s slightly timid father

As a child Tsuna lived in the dangerous part of the Crystal Kingdom thus he developed a strong sense of justice. He met Jade when he stopped a lowlife from robbing her and they quickly became friends. He had no idea that she was the Princess of the Crystal Kingdom until he was called in for knight training. Tsuna endured the training and became Jade’s personal knight. When he got older he married Jade and they settled down and had a child together, naming him Ashuro after Tsuna’s grandfather. Both Jade and Tsuna were later killed by an angry mob of non-human haters organized by Pyro Darkesis but were saved from their fate by Lorenzo who came to their aid and kept them safe until it would be time for them to confront Pyro. Both of them are currently living on the planet Ookami in a safe dimension created by Lorenzo.

First Name: Tsuna

Middle Name: Klondike

Last Name: Kamaké

Age: 43

Sex: Male

Hair color: Black and white

Eye color: Red

Height: 3”07 ft

Race: Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Can use all types

Likes: Caramel candy, nacho cheese-flavored chips, tuna, milk, yarn balls, fluffy pillows

Friends: Lorenzo, Arzekiel, Dena, Gin, Masaki, Hiroki, Helena, Byakuru, Marius, Aluma, Shonnie, Dr. Pine, Lucien, Kevin, Skylar, Shaasha and many more…

Family: Jade Kamaké (wife), Ashuro Kamaké (son)

Hates: Injustice

Fears: Surprises

Pensword Name: Swiss

Birthday: December 17, 1969

Voice: Sounds like Pit (Kid Icarus Uprising)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hayama I. Saturn

Hayama Saturn is next in line to become the boss of the Saturn Family. As a lover of science and physics, Hayama is obsessed with finding the absolute truth about everything around him; so it's no surprise that he's the president of the "Science Club" at school. When he discovers that Ashuro, Batou, and few of their other friends were Aquiticans, there was some immediate hatred between them. He was (as well as millions of others) taught that Aquiticans were the source of multiple tragedies throughout history and that they all had horrible natures. In an attempt to reinforce what he was taught, he observed Ashuro and co. for 3 months; surprisingly, he found that they didn't at all match the descriptions of what he was taught. This piqued his scientific nature; so after apologizing to them all about his deplorable behavior, Hayama forcefully becomes their friend and is determined to find the TRUE truth about the history of the Aquiticans.

During his time with Ashuro on his travels he has made many new friends, colleagues and discoveries. His skin is snow white due to a skin condition he contracted during an experiment on the albino gene; he is currently looking for a way to reverse the effects. While Hayama specializes in science he has also shown to have a talent for sewwing and other tailoring skills after taking lessons from Sashi.

First Name: Hayama

Middle Name: Ikari

Last Name: Saturn

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Height: 6 ft

Race: Human

Likes: Books, telescopes, pasta, pinball games

Friends: Ashuro, his crewmates, e-chan, Shonnie, Jimmy, Dr. Pine, Marius, Robin, Mizuki, Minnie, Elmira, Sir Vincent, Dr. F, Prof. Nova, Travis, Liberty, Jenny, Ian, Cazador and many more…

Family: Hiroki Saturn (father), Helena Saturn (mother), Hayumi Saturn (little sister)

Loves: Eliza

Hates: Being disturbed when he’s busy

Fears: Losing his intelligence or his friends

Hobbies: Reading, working on various projects/experiments, researching the unknown

Dream: To discover the real truth about everything

Birthday: July 7, 1992

Voice: Sounds like Uryu Ishida (Bleach)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Snow S. Almond

A mischievous little puppy girl

Snow was adopted by e-chan’s parents when she was a baby. She arrived at a surprised e-chan’s house with a suitcase full of her things and a note from his parents. To avoid lengthy commutes back and forth to school Snow would live with e-chan…despite his many protests.

For her age, she is quite intelligent and even brattier than Victora. If you make her mad she won’t hesitate to bite you. She’s been in love with e-chan since the moment she saw him and enjoys being with him; due to this she’s constantly fighting with Lalao for e-chan’s attention. Although Snow can be a brat at times she’s actually a sweet person deep down that doesn’t know how to make real friends just yet.

One day, e-chan was visiting with one of his friends named Felix. Snow was fascinated with the blue-haired butler and decided to try and get his attention. Her first attempt failed when she wasn't able to get Felix to pay attention to her while he was talking to e-chan and ended up biting him out of anger and annoyance. With his attention finally on her, Felix responded by giving her a upside-down hanging wedgie. Since then she has tried many different methods to get his attention from a library book she stole from Victora (it was a book filled with nothing but horribly bad advice that she borrowed just for laughs.) When Felix finally had enough of Snow's behavior he punished her swiftly and it was then that he learned about her feeling for him. To this day Snow loves both e-chan and Felix and can't decide which one she likes most.

First Name: Snowball (Snow for short)

Middle Name: Selena

Last Name: Almond

Age: 8

Sex: Female

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: White

Height: 2”02 ft

Race: Lobinu (Maltese)

Likes: Curry, beef, soup, rice, chicken, cookies, chili dogs, milk shakes, strawberries

Friends: Hana, Hayumi, Jamie, Mizuki, Zoey and many more…

Loves: e-chan and Felix

Hates: Vegetables, taking baths

Hobbies: Playing pranks, watching fish swim in aquariums

Birthday: February 3, 2005

Voice: Sounds like Clara (MySims)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Nikki K. Jen

Not your typical tsundere childhood friend.

Nikki Jen is Snoopy's childhood friend who would often reflexivly deliver a Mach Punch or a Mega Kick to the face of smartmouths and pervs alike. After seeing how Artisha quickly turned Snoopy into her gofer, Nikki decided that Snoopy needed to become braver and more manly so that he could stand up for himself and others. While her intentions were noble, the methods she used proved to be VERY counter-productive.

From an early age, Nikki was definitely different from many of the other girls her age. Born with her father’s amazing strength and her mother’s firey temper, she quickly became known as a tomboy delinquent that loved to fight, earning the nickname ”Foot 2 Face Queen.” Like Snoopy, Nikki dispised bullies and those who commited injustice. When he announced that he was going to join Ashuro’s crew, Nikki decided to join in order to look out for him. During this time she made many new friends, one of them being her boyfriend, Skylar Moonshadow. At the beginning of their relationship, Nikki set up a series of challenges for Skylar to accomplish in order to see just how devoted he was to her. As time went by, Nikki became a much more submissive person once Skylar started taking control within their relationship. She now looks forward to the day when both her and Skylar can officially start a family of their own.

First Name: Nicolette

Middle Name: Kasumi

Last Name: Jen

Nickname: Nikki

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Eye Color: Violet

Hair Color: Orange

Height: 5”07 ft

Race: Lobinu (Shetland Sheepdog)

Likes: Amethysts, sapphires, grilled meat and vegetables, cakes and other sweet pastries

Friends: Snoopy, Ashuro, her crewmates, Arashi, Sora, Ayaka, Blitz, Tanya, iDEAL, Jim and many more…

Family: Gin Jen (father) Masaki Jen (mother)

Loves: Skylar Moonshadow (fiancée)

Hates: People who hurt or insult Skylar, being looked down on, being around very annoying people for long periods of time

Fears: Losing Skylar or her parents

Hobbies: Running, climbing trees, training with her mother and Tanya, cooking, playing video games, reading manga

Dream: Raising a happy family with Skylar by her side

Abilities: Karate, able to open doors to other realms/dimensions

Pensword Name: Horror Sheathe

Birthday: April 13, 1995

Voice: Sounds like Misty (Pokémon and Pokémon Advanced Generation)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Zero the Awesum

A baby Awesum who got lost in a mountainous region when he wandered too far from home. When Ashuro saves him from being eaten by a swarm of wild animal, he takes a liking to him and decides to stay with him.

Fun Facts: When he met Sally aka Heavy Knuckle for the first time, he instantly took a liking to her and the two of them have been close friends ever since. Zero has shown that he feels genuine love for Sally on several occassion such as when he repeatedly dive-bombed on Ruby, Gaura and Snoopy’s (he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ^^;) heads when she was being forced to do a penalty game and when he showed jealousy when Hana hugged Sally’s belly which happened to be his comfort spot. ^w^

First Name: Zero (name given to him by Ashuro)

Age: 2…possibly; true age unknown

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Black

Height: 1”08 ft.

Race: Awesum

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Can use all types

Likes: Fruits, vegetables, cookies, pizza, rice, books, balls, video games

Friends: Ashuro, his crewmates, Aluma, the Alubis, Luna, the Nabis, Kirby, Ribbon, Alexis C. Jersey, Tenrio, Renée and many more.

Family: Unknown

Loves: Sally aka Heavy Knuckle

Hates: People who bully Sally

Fears: Reptiles and reptile-like people

Hobbies: Sleeping, reading, sitting on his friends’ heads and being with Sally

Dream: Unknown

Abilities: Despite his age, Zero is a very strong protector when it comes to fighting. With his small size and youthful energy, he uses his speed to greatly strengthen his attacks which allow him to zoom around looking like a shooting star. Wanting to become strong enough to protect his friend Sally, Zero trained his body through exercise and his mind through reading tons of books which resulted in him gaining the ability to transform and alter his age.

Pensword Name: Doesn’t have one

Birthday: Unknown

Voice: Pachirisu (Pokémon Diamond & Pearl)

Klarina A. Koco

A Cheetah Nekofi with a rather unreadable air about her.

Klarina is the Princess of the Spot Fang Kingdom who didn’t speak a single word because everyone around her either spoke over her or for her everytime she tried to speak. Since her overprotective parents wouldn’t let her leave the palace unless it was an emergency situation, Klarina spent most of her days homebound, surrounded by various tutors and instructors who would teach her everything that she’d need to know for when it was time for her to become the next Queen. As close as she ever got to being outside was by looking out of her window and watch as other kids her age played together...wishing that she could be out there with them. It wasn’t until she was four years old that Klarina finally got to go outside with her parents and many guards to attend a summer festival. She snuck off the very moment her guards weren’t watching her too explore the many festival attractions and ended up getting lost in the huge crowd. After wandering around crying her eyes out, she was found by Byakuru Koco (he just happened to be visiting the kingdom on business and decided to attend the festival after completing his task) who helped the frightened child look for her parents. Unfortunatly, Byakuru’s natural clumsiness quickly created a huge chaotic mess that made everybody think that he was a terrorist who was holding Klarina hostage. As the guards moved in to arrest Byakuru, a determined Klarina leapt up and clung to his chest and refused to let go, not saying a single thing. When questioned by her worried parents, Klarina made a series of gestures that nobody could understand...except for Byakuru who quickly translated what she was saying, ending the confrontation when they understood that everything was a complete misunderstanding. Seeing how taken their daugther was with him, they made Byakuru Klarina’s new official tutor to please her (unknown to him it was in reality a humongous community service sentence for all of the damages Byakuru caused that night ^^;)

A few months after becoming her tutor, Byakuru brought his son Batou with him one day. Klarina fell in love with him the very moment their eyes met but was way too shy to ever approach him and hid under her bed. She didn’t see Batou again after that day until 10 years later when she heard that he was traveling with Ashuro and that they just happened to be in the Spot Claw Kingdom to participate in an anime convention. Klarina packed her things and put on one of her many alternate color Lum Invader bikinis and left the palace unseen, making sure to leave a note behind before she left. Once she found Batou, she just started following him around everywhere he went which really freaked him out a lot. After the convention was over and just when he thought that his new stalker had stopped following him around, Batou entered into his room on the ship to find that Klarina was there waiting for him. When he asked Ashuro how she got onboard he finds out that Klarina asked Ashuro if she could join his crew and he simply accepted her offer.

Fun Facts: Klarina is capable of talking but chooses not to. Whenever she sees certain small animals, her natural instincts take over and she’ll immediately go into hunting mode; her victims so far have been Rocko Yemma, Cheeko D and Jack Little. Batou got Sashi to make a few doll versions of himself that he mainly uses to distract Klarina so he can make a quick getaway whenever he needs to. XD

First Name: Katrina

Middle Name: Alexandra

Last Name: Koco

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Dark Green/Leaf Green

Eye Color: Black

Height: 6”06 ft.

Race: Nekofi (Cheetah)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Unknown

Likes: Anime, meat

Friends: Byakuru, Ashuro, her crewmates, Nicole, Kai, Yosei, Hana, Shaasha, Jaabili and many more.

Family: Batou Koco (husband), Arthur Paige (father), Laura Paige (mother)

Hates: Having her hunts interrupted, losing her prey, Batou ignoring her

Fears: Losing Batou, being hated by Batou

Hobbies: Running, napping in grassy fields, hunting, watching anime, stalking Batou, hanging out with Shaasha and Jaabili

Dream: To live a happy life with Batou

Abilities: As a Cheetah-model Nekofi, Klarina is extremely fast and has really strong legs due to this fact; this makes her tackles and kicks wickedly powerful. She can utilize her natural hunting instincts to stalk and spy on her targets without being spotted (perfect for recon) and use her E-nergy to either MAX out one of her five senses or create a light camoflauge to blend in with her surroundings. Recently she seems to have formed a telepathic-like link with Batou where he can hear she’s saying to him without even gesturing; the link is so strong that Batou can hear her even if she’s on the other side of the planet.

Pensword Name: Doesn’t have one

Birthday: November 25, 1994

Voice: Sounds like Yoruichi Shihōin (Bleach)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ring F. Diamond

The shy innocent little girl in the body of a tall beautiful woman.

Ring is an young Giantess Nekofi girl that became an orphan at a very young age. She even contracted a disease known as the Fast Forward syndrome, a disease that causes one to age much more rapidly each year until the disease stops and dies. The victims stop aging once the disease goes away; in Ring’s case, it was soon after she became 4 years old, leaving her with the body of a 25 year old woman. With all of the orphanages refusing to help her because of her adult appearance, Ring wandered around just trying to find a place where she could stay. One day, Ring met a boy name Spike Gecko who offered to let Ring live with him in his home; she immediately took him up on his offer without hesitation. Little did poor Ring know that she had just walked into a trap; the moment she stepped into Spike’s home, he immediately put a blue collar that had his two of his symbols (they looked like gecko shaped badges) on it around her neck. When she asked him why she had to wear the collar he answered by saying that all ”pets” had to wear collars so that everybody would know that she belonged to him now and that if she didn’t do everything that he told her to do that he would throw her out, leaving her homeless again.

Poor Ring had no choice but endure whatever Spike demanded of her. He always had her on a leash whenever the two of them were out in public and would always tie the leash to something whenever he had a stop to make, saying that ”pets” aren’t allowed in stores, even if there was harsh weather conditions on that particular day. Spike often made her wear embarrasing clothes like small maid outfits and magical-girl cosplay that barely fit her, which always ended with very humiliating results. He would make her take the blame for any trouble that he or his friends caused, which gave him a reason to discipline her in public. And whenever they were at the beach or waterpark, he made her wear a tiny bikini that he would often snatch off of her body and run away leaving her completely naked as she cried in humiliation and chased after him begging him to give it back to her...which he NEVER did.

Some time later, all of this torment became too much for poor Ring to take. On one rainy night, she tried to kill herself by jumping off of a bridge into deep water and drowning but was stopped by Ashuro Kamaké, who happened to be walking along the same bridge that very moment. When he asked her about why she had just tried to jump, Ring cried heavily and ran back to the place that she was sure that she’d never escape from, Spike’s home. Unknown to her, Ashuro secretly followed her there, genuinely worried about her. Spike was waiting outside for to come back; when he started scolding Ring, Ashuro learned everything about Ring’s situation. Without hesitation, Ashuro couragously confronted Spike and after many words and some fighting, Ashuro emerged victorious and took Ring back with him to his ship where she met the rest of the Checkmark Crew and saw just how different they all were from Spike. And before she could ask, Ashuro invited her to become a member of his crew and assured her that she’d never be treated the same way that Spike treated her if she decided to come with them. Seeing Ashuro’s smiling face and feeling the relaxingly safe aura around him, Ring happily joined the Checkmark Crew, having many adventures with them as they traveled the multiverse.

In time, Ring became less introverted and has opened up to many more people and made many friends in the process, her very first ones (aside from her crewmates) being Mizuki Ichiro and her second one being Annaliese Fellorr, who she looks up to as a big sister. But among all of her new friends, the one that she’s come to cherish the most was Annaliese’s new big brother, Kevin Aashiem. Ever since the day he took an interest in getting to know her, the two of them became really close that Ring realized something: that she is in love with him. She really wanted to tell him but was afraid of being rejected and possibly jeapordizing their friendship, but those fears were quickly laid to rest when Kevin confessed to her (he handed her a card with his confession written in it since he was too nervous to speak) and the two of them became an official couple.

Fun Facts: Ring’s very shy personality often makes her blush bright red a stutter when she talks, making her look incredibly cute and adorable. XD

First Name: Ring

Middle Name: Francesca

Last Name: Diamond

Age: 11

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Brown/Sea Green

Eye Color: Green

Height: 8”11 ft

Race: Giantess Nekofi (Norwegian Forest Cat)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Unknown

Likes: Clouds, soft objects, pretzels, ice cream, peaches, butterflies

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates, Nikki, Mizuki, Annaliese, Hiri, Erusu, Lynette, Hana, Hayumi, Sick-Little-Wolfboy, Marius, Skylar and many more...

Family: Unknown

Loves: Kevin Aasheim

Hates: Bullies, being bullied and teased, seeing others being tormented, reptile-like people

Fears: Spike Gecko, Pyro Darkesis, Slam and Zoey Bucksen

Hobbies: Being with her friends, solving puzzles, cuddling with Kevin, drawing, climbing trees, catching bugs

Dream: To be brave and have confidence in herself and her abilities

Abilities: Hidden weapon specialist, growing to Giantess size

Pensword Name: Hasn’t acquired one yet

Birthday: May 12, 2002

Voice: Sounds like Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Emerald R. Lien

Beware of the Scratch Cat, BEWARE!! XD

Emerald was raised by her father, Link Kula, who runs a dojo for swordsmanship that has been owned by his family for several generations. Out of all of his pupils, Link trained Emerald on an intensity level that was nearly three times harder than the level of his advanced class so that she would be ready to inherit the dojo when the time came. However, the bad thing was that Emerald really didn’t like sword fighting…and was very clumsy and extremely near-sighted whenever she lost her glasses, thus gaining her the unwanted nickname “Emerald Dinkley.” Despite trying her hardest, Link never once praised Emerald for her effort, causing her confidence and self-worth to plummet rapidly as time passed. And if that wasn’t bad enough, she was constantly bullied by her cousin Jamie Kula and the other young students who do her bidding because of how much they admired her. Years of this treatment had reduced Emerald into a cowardly little crybaby who would run away and hide from anything that frightened her.

On one particular night as the dojo was closing down for a long weekend, Emerald noticed one of the training swords in a corner that somebody must’ve forgot to put away. Picking it up, she headed towards the sword closet to put it away. Opening the closet door, she stepped inside…then immediately tripped and crashed face-first into the wall hard. The impact shook the small closet’s walls, causing all of the swords hanging on them to fall on top of Emerald, slashing and pinning her to the ground which left her unable to avoid the final three swords that fell down and pierced her through her heart. Remarkably, none of the swords hit her vitals but she was losing blood at an alarming rate. As she was slowly approaching death, all of the pain of frustration and hate she had let build up manifested itself in the form of a second personality that somehow managed to keep her alive until she was found nearly two days later. From that day onward, Emerald had become an entirely different person; no longer was she a scared little girl, but an ice cold-hearted destroyer who felt no pain, no reason and absolutely no mercy.

Years later after becoming the head of the Disciplinary Committee in Middle School, Emerald met Ashuro. Due to their clashing personalities the two of them ended up fighting nearly every day and it always ended the same way with Ashuro defeating her. Furious with the thought of not being able to defeat him, Emerald tried to gain Ashuro’s natural strength by ripping his antenna out of his head and putting it in hers. She succeeded in gaining Ashuro’s strength but it was short-lived when the full effects of her rash action activated. The once tall human Emerald became a tiny Nekofi with Aquitican blood and the appearance of a 6 year-old. After a number of suspenseful events, Emerald ended up joining Ashuro on his journeys throughout the multiverse. During this time, Emerald learned what it was like to have real friends. Later on down the line, she met a Shinigami named Trey Lien; although their first meeting wasn’t ideal, the two of them quickly became best friends…and after Emerald blurted out a confession in nervousness, the two of them became an official couple who love each other dearly. Then on one night one year later, Emerald got the biggest surprise of her life when Trey proposed to her...and she accepted his proposal without any hesitation. The two of them are now a happily married couple.

Fun Fact: Ever sense Emerald became a Nekofi she acts a lot like a little kitten; she enjoys having her head rubbed, purrs whenever she’s happy and loves to be babied by Trey. XD

First Name: Emerald

Middle Name: Raine

Last Name: Lien

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Height: 2”05 ft (6"07 ft. in her true form)

Race: Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Fire

Likes: Milk, ribbons, fish, cookies, kiwis

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates, Tenrio, Luna, Hana, Hayumi and many More

Family: Trey Lien (husband) Link Kula (father) Jamie Kula (cousin)

Hates: Avocados, walnuts, sweets with mint in them

Fears: Swords, needles and other sharp objects

Hobbies: Reading, climbing trees, swimming, playing card games, playing with circular objects

Dream: To overcome her fears

Abilities: Transforming between her two forms/personalities to fit the situation (her small body is perfect for speed and skill while her tall body is perfect for strength and endurance)

Pensword Name: Orichalcrusher

Birthday: February 20, 1994

Voice: Sounds like Nefertari Vivi (One Piece [Karen Neill])

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Claire M. Treasure

Funny, flirty and furry; it’s Claire Treasure.

As a child, Claire was a very lonely child. She was born as the love child of two overly business-minded company owners. With the two of them always busy, they never had (or even attempted to make) time for Claire, who spent most of her time alone in a rather large mansion full of servants and maids, with no REAL friends her own age. Her only friend was her uncle Hunter Alan, who always came over to see her whenever he had time or something cool to show her. Around the time Claire was 7, her parents noticed that she wasn't physically maturing and that her skin, hair and fur color had changed from brown/white to black/white. Through a blood test, it was discovered that she had both Aquitican and Solnar blood inside her body; something that is considered an abomination. In an attempt to keep this "shameful" fact from coming to the attention of the public, they sold Claire to the current boss of the Saturn family, Lorenzo Saturn (will be drawn later,) as a guinea pig for MASTER HQ various projects, and adopted a new daughter that looked enough like Claire to take her place. By the time she escaped with Ashuro and Scooter, Claire had developed some severe abandonment issues and was afraid to let anybody get close to her. Ashuro refused to leave her alone and tried his hardest everyday to make her laugh and gain her trust, which he accomplished successfully. Her uncle Hunter eventually found her after searching for her those same 3 months and took her in as his own daughter and trained her in business management, providing her with valuable knowledge that she would need when it was time for her to take over Treasure Industries.

A few years later, Claire reunited with Ashuro and decided to join him on his travels as a member of the Checkmark Crew where she made many new friends and rivals in the process. She formed a fast friendship with Fuu Rain then an extra special bond with Kiki Sokudo by Solnar Transfer and Annaliese Fellorr with Solnar Unity so that she’d always be with them no matter what happens.

Fun Fact: One of Claire’s signature quirks is how her tongue is always sticking out nearly every time you see her and is also VERY quick to anger if you call her a skunk.

First Name: Claire

Middle Name: Malté

Last Name: Treasure

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Black and White

Eye Color: Silver

Height: 5”09 ft.

Race: Nekofi (Maine Coone)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy type: Wind

Likes: Perfumes, music, video games, strawberries, chocolate, helping Sashi test out the durability of the clothes she designs, Gligar(s) and Gliscor(s)

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates, Annaliese, Kevin, Jimmy, Blitzkrieg, Fuu, Kiki, Karin, Mizuki, Maggie, Anming, Ayaka and many more…

Family: Hunter Alan (uncle), Kiki Sokudo (Solnar Transfer sister) Annaliese Fellorr (Solnar Unity sister)

Loves: Ashuro Kamaké and Fuu Raien

Hates: Seeing her friends being attacked and tormented, being called a skunk

Fears: Being abandoned

Hobbies: Dancing, sleeping, cooking, doing things with Annaliese

Abilities: Stretching, inflation, transformation, nerve manipulation

Birthday: January 10, 1996

Voice: Sounds like Ino Yamanaka (Naruto) Claire's fighting style is similar to Ino's too