Friday, December 23, 2011

Yani W. Muffy

A silly, sugary sweet little fairy girl

Yani Muffy is a Nekofi Fairy who wondered out of her homeland (the Fairy Realm) at the age of five to play against her parent’s constant warnings. It wasn’t even 5 minutes before she was captured by pirates and placed in a glass jar to contain her, which resulted in her becoming claustrophobic. She was a prisoner for nearly half a year before getting rescued by Ashuro and his crew who had infiltrated the pirate ship while docked to retrieve all of the stolen goods onboard and return them to its rightful owner. Yani took an instant liking to Ashuro (even making herself his self-proclaimed fiancée at one point) and forcefully joined his crew on their adventures.

Her true potential is still unknown at the moment. Yani does however have the ability to increase her age and body size at will whenever she wants to, which makes her look like a tomboyish teenager. In the “Plus Form” Yani is very adept at hand to hand combat and uses a variety of suplex and lucha libré techniques to deal with her opponents.

Recently for some reason only known to her, Yani has fallen in love with Shonnie Flash’s partner Cheeko D, who now has the “honor” of being her new self-proclaimed fiancée…despite his many protests. XD

First Name: Yani

Middle Name: Wataru

Last Name: Muffy

Age: 11

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Violet with a stripe of black

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6 inches

Race: Fairy Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy type: Nature

Likes: Sweet foods, flowers, sunshine

Friends: Ashuro, her crewmates and many, MANY more…

Loves: Cheeko D

Hates: Windy days

Fears: Being trapped in bottles and other small spaces

Abilities: Growing/shrinking, suplex and lucha libré wrestling

Birthday: February 26, 2002

Voice: Sounds like Sugar with a cockney accent (A Little Snow Fairy Sugar)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Snoopy D. Raiko

For whatever Snoopy lacks in courage, he makes up for in heart.

Growing up, Snoopy Raiko was just your everyday average boy…who got scared real easily and was basically a coward that would run away from trouble whenever he could. Because of this, he quickly became a target for bullies and other tormenting types, the worse of them being Artisha Williams. His best friend, Nikki Jen, tried everything she could think of to make Snoopy tougher and more courageous; unfortunately they all ended up having the exact opposite effect on him. Even though he didn’t make any progress in terms of strength and courage, he realized that he had an amazing talent for treating injuries; this greatly inspired his choice to become a doctor. Snoopy loved reading superhero comics, dreaming of being just as strong, noble and courageous as them. He was ecstatic when he finally got to meet an armored heroine named “Masked Eagle” Ruby who he quickly became friends with. Taking a chance, he asked Ruby if he could become her apprentice; although a little surprised at first, she didn’t once hesitate and happily accepted becoming his teacher. The time he spent with Ruby and her teammates “Heavy Knuckle” Sally and “Victory Knight” Gaura gave Snoopy a tremendous boost in his self-confidence and helped him find the courage that was buried deep inside of him.

When Ruby was captured by Rex Tyrant and had some very powerful energy transferred to her body, Snoopy fought long and hard to save her life; and with Ashuro’s aid, he was able to do so without her suffering any long-term injuries. A few days after that incident, Snoopy and Ruby confessed their love for each other and became an official couple.

Fun Fact: Whenever Snoopy gets scared or surprised he reacts just like Courage the Cowardly Dog would in those situations. XD

First Name: Snoopy

Middle Name: Dante

Last Name: Raiko

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 3”09

Race: Lobinu (Shetland Sheep Dog)

Bloodline: Mentelé

Elemental E-nergy type: Water

Likes: Comic books, peanut butter, cheese, foods cooked with various herbs

Friends: Ashuro, his crewmates, Nikki, Sally aka Heavy Knuckle, Gaura aka Victory Knight, Megumi, Noir, Oceana, Virgil, Fuu, Shonnie, Jimmie, Skylar, Reina, Kara, Cassandra, Yuki and many more…

Loves: Ruby aka Masked Eagle

Hates: Bullies, being bullied, seeing others being bullied or hurt, being surprised

Fears: Not being able to help the ones he cares about most when they really need him

Hobbies: Foraging for herbs, reading comic books, training with his Masked Heroine friends

Dream: To become a great doctor and a reliable person that everybody can count on

Abilities: Using his Water-type elemental E-nergy to create barriers and heal his friends

Pensword Name: Will Guard Eternal

Birthday: February 5, 1995

Voice: Sounds like Hanataro Yamada (Bleach)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rocko T. Yemma

Despite his personality, Rocko is a genius that lives to invent cool and quirky gadgets and tools.

He met Ashuro soon after A.K. had rescued him and the two of them became friends almost instantly. Even though he and Batou argue and fight with each other, both of them are actually best friends. Rocko has made a robotic aid named Kojiro to help him out and to take care of his home when he’s not around. Rocko’s greatest accomplishment was when he created a special living metal that he used to create both Kojiro and Batou’s auto-mail limbs. Because he’s always coming up with new ideas or ways to improve his previous works, he pretty much lives in his workshop now, only leaving it when he has other things to do. He has many colleagues like Dr. Pine, Helena Shigi and Dr. F that he shares his research with in hopes of gaining even more knowledge about many different topics (he doesn’t share a lot of his research with Dr. F because he’s afraid of what he would do with it ^^;) Rocko is an ace Sniper and has the ability to easily wield elemental E-nergy (thanks to his Mentelé blood) and specializes in Electric E-nergy, an advanced form of Fire-type elemental E-nergy, using it in many creative ways.

Rocko is also a huge pervert and very mischievous and loves to play pranks on people (mainly those who he thinks deserves it…and Batou XD) which usually results in him getting beat up or sent flying high into the sky. ^^; With Skylar’s help, Rocko has vowed to improve himself and become a less perverted man and has been successful for the most part. Later down the line, he grew closer to Maggie Fermbuckz and eventually realized that he had genuine feeling for her; something he had NEVER felt for any girl before. After a series of emotional moments, Rocko and Maggie became an official couple.

Fun Fact: Whenever Rocko eats too much candy, he’ll go insane and start cosplaying as various anime, manga and video game characters.

First Name: Rocko

Middle Name: Theodore

Last Name: Yemma

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Height: 1”04 ft. (4”09 ft. in human form; 6”01 ft. in Grandmaster form)

Hair Color: Yellow

Eye Color: Red

Race: Verdenté (Teddy Bear Hamster)

Bloodline: Mentelé

Elemental E-nergy type: Fire (uses high level elemental Fire E-nergy: Lightning)

Likes: Various fruits, candy

Friends: Ashuro, Batou, his crewmates, Skylar, Dr. Pine, e-kun, Aluma, Mizuki, Eho, Marius, Dr. F, Arashi, Sora, Kikisho, Senkia

Loves: Maggie Fermbuckz

Hates: Buzz-kill, corny jokes, people more perverted than him (he does have SOME standards) and hypocrites (like Lisa Valion)

Fears: Klarina and Shaasha

Hobbies: Inventing new tools and gadgets, playing pranks

Dream: To create his own planet

Abilities: Marksman, Sniper and using his electrical powers in various ways.

Pensword Name: Octoshot

Birthday: March 19, 1994

Voice: Sounds like Krillin (Dragon Ball Kai - Sonny Strait)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Batou V. Koco

Batou is Ashuro's BFF and first mate.

He was 12 years old when he first met Ashuro, which was soon after he had escaped from MASTER HQ. He thought that Ashuro was a bit of a cry baby at first because he was so afraid of people; but after he learned the reason behind his fear, he started to think a little bit higer of him. About 3 months later, Ashuro was attacked by one of MASTER HQ's Commanders, MASTER Hot Haunter. Batou came to his rescue to defend his friend which resulted in him having his left arm and both legs burned completely off and being left with a horrible burn on the left side of his face. During his recovery, Ashuro came and visited him everyday in his hospital bed and would stay there with him until he fell asleep late at night and had to be carried home by his Master, A.K. Although he was happy that Ashuro was so grateful to him, Batou was ready to give up on life now that he'd never be able to do any of the things that he wanted to do in his life. Unable to stand seeing his friend in the condition he was in, he pleaded with Rocko to help him find a way to get Batou mobile again. Rocko worked tirelessly and eventually creating some living metal that he used in creating some special auto-mail limbs and a face plate for Batou that would grow with him as he got older. Filled with gratitude and a renewed determination, Batou relinquishes his right to become the next boss of the Koco Family and chooses to follow Ashuro and assist him in whatever way he could for the rest of his life.

Batou is an accomplished swordsman thanks to the training provided by his family. Due to his friends' quirky and out there personalities, he sometimes feels as if he's the only voice of reason among them all. For the longest time, he's had a stalker named Klarina Paige; a silent bikini-clad cheetah Nekofi girl. Although the two of them have become a couple now, he's still sort of scared of her because of her silent and emotionless gazes. He’s recently reached out to and has become friends with Evellia Baliko, a hot-headed tomboy who’s also feels as if she’s the only sane person among her friends at times.

Fun Fact: Batou will immediately lose his temper when somebody calls him and elf and beat up the person who said, regardless of whether they're friend or foe (strangely enough, it doesn't bother him at all if a child call him an elf)

First Name: Batou

Middle Name: Vincent

Last Name: Koco

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Hair Color: White and Black

Eye Color: Red

Height: 6"09 ft

Race: Verdenté (Vampire Bat)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy type: Earth

Likes: Tomato saké, fruits, vegetables, peaceful and quiet areas full of nature

Friends: Ashuro, his crewmates, e-sama, Kai, Nicole, Evellia, Eho, Sora, Trey, Eric, Noir and many others

Family: Klarina Koco (wife), Byakuru Koco (father), Victora Koco (cousin), Megumi Koco (adopted into family)

Hates: Annoying people, loud noises (he has VERY sensitive ears) having his sleep rudely interrupted, being called or mistaken for an elf

Hobbies: Training, sleeping, being with his friends, hanging upside down XD

Dream: To become a guardian capable of protecting everybody he cares about

Abilities: Swordsmanship (can wield 3 swords at once) Staff mastery and able to use Earth-type elemental E-nergy to transmutate his automail limbs.

Pensword Name: Heart of Sword

Birthday: March 2, 1991

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ezra J. Cook II aka e-chan

e-chan is a man who only need the simple things in life: friends, family...and randomness! It was at the age of 4 when he first developed his love for drawing after repeatedly watching a tape of classic Mickey Mouse cartoons. His first masterpiece: multiple exact replicas of the 1920's style Mickey Mouse...drawn on his bedroom wall ^^; it's a good thing that he used pencil instead of marker XD. As he grew older, his imagination grew as he continued to draw and improve his skills. He's naturally very patient and laid-back, prefering nice quiet places to relax, but he will go to places with his friends and hang out when he gets the chance to.

Although e-chan lacks a lot of confidence in himself, he always strives to do what's right. Because his mind mind is very overactive, he's hired iDEAL, and later Luna Draco, to help keep his thoughts organized so that he can concentrate better. He doesn't like fighting and would rather run from danger than face it. But for the times when there's no escaping a situation like that he's learned how to use his own opponent's strength against them; he currently trying to teach this pacifist fighting style to both Aluma Yakaru and Luna Draco. With his wild imagination and artist skills at his disposal, e-chan has created all sorts of quirky techniques to indirectly deal with his opponents.

He can make friends with relative ease. Despite their age-gap, e-chan has been able to become great friends with Mizuki Ichiro (mainly because he encourages her rather eccentric behavior instead of trying to change it ^w^;) Although he's failed many times in the love department, he was determined to never give up trying or let those failures discourage him; this determination eventually paid off when he confessed to Lalao Yakaru and she agreed to become his girlfriend.

Fun Fact: e-chan absolutely LOVES cute things. :D

First Name: Ezra

Middle Name: Jerome

Last Name: Cook

Nickname: e-chan

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Height: 5"07 ft.

Race: Human

Elemental E-nergy type: Can use every type

Likes: Popsickles, wood-grilled rainbow trout; ice cream, Muchies-Cheese Mix, cheese burgers, Red Velvet cake, anime, manga, video games

Friends: Ashuro, Mizuki, Renezmae, Annaliese, iDEAL, Luna, Marius, Shonnie, Kevin, Joey, Brianna, Adongod, Aluma, Yuki, Roxie, Skylar and many MANY more

Loves: Lalao Yakaru

Hates: Loud noise, messiness, hypocrites, bullies, when people that don't take him seriously-listen to him-let him talk or undermind his intelligence

Fears: Being hated, disappointing people who put their trust in him, wasps and cotton balls

Hobbies: Drawing, playing video games, reading manga, relaxing, doing things that'll help others

Dream: To find true happiness

Abilities: Uses art to bend the reality around him (He also has an ability that’s always active called ”Safeguard” that protects him from various techniques like Mahiru Trap powers, mind-control of all types and many other things. This ability also cannot be nullified by outside forces or even e-chan himself.)

Birthday: January 5, 1985

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ashuro S. Kamaké

Ashuro Kamaké is a happy, helpful and kind person with a heart of gold.

At the age of 3, Ashuro was orphaned when his parents were killed in front of him by a mob of hateful, prejudiced people because of their Aquitican blood. After surviving on his own for 7 years, Ashuro was befriended by the current boss of the Saturn Family and founder of MASTER HQ, Lorenzo Saturn. About 3 weeks after he first arrived at MASTER HQ, he was used as a test subject for a program that both Lorenzo and Scooter developed; the end result was Ashuro living 64 different lifetimes (of about 30 to 50 years) of pain and repeated loss. With the help of Scooter and Claire, all three of them escaped from MASTER HQ. After suffering the intensified wrath of the people of his hometown, Ashuro was befriended by a man named A.K., who in the end took Ashuro into his family and raised him as his own son for the next 4 years until A.K. and his wife had to leave and take care of some urgent business. Knowing that he always had a home to return to, Ashuro decided to travel everywhere he could to have many wonderful adventures and make many new friends.

Despite the unreal and agonizing torture he was put through both physically and most of all mentally, he is always able to keep a smile on his face and have an upbeat, positive attitude on life, although he does have the tendency to lose control of himself when he learns of or sees somebody experiencing unjust cruelty and will often react immediately while doing his best to restrain himself from doing something regretful.

As a Nekofi, Ashuro's body is boneless and rubbery, being able to stretch any part of his body to great lengths. As an end result from his time at MASTER HQ, Ashuro has had two stones embedded into his hands that are able to store an infinite amount of items inside them and has gained hundreds of years worth of knowledge and experiences.

He has a sweet, pure-hearted girlfriend named Annaliese Fellorr who he loves with all of his heart. Since the two of them grew up having similar experiences, they became friends the day they met and later became a couple when Ashuro realized just how precious Annaliese was to him after protecting her from her two brothers, John and Maxal.

Fun Fact: Ashuro doesn't like being thought of as a hero

First Name: Ashuro

Middle Name: Sunahara

Last Name: Kamaké

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Height: 4 ft

Hair Color: Black and White

Eye Color: Red

Race: Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy type: Can use every type but mostly uses Time and Space type

Likes: Peace, Red Velvet cake, fish (preferably wood-grilled), yarn balls, bells

Friends: his crewmates, e-chan, Tsunami-Ryu, Katrina, Nitros, Marius, Aluma, Shaasha, Karin, Kevin, Shonnie, Jimmy, Joey, Skylar, Arashi, Sora, Trey, Adongod, Ralticina, Random Hero and many others...

Loves: Annaliese Fellorr

Hates: Having his peace disturbed, seeing his friends in pain, injustice, Bullies, evil acts, prejudice attitudes

Fears: Death of a friend

Hobbies: Training, fishing, napping, exploring new places, treasure hunting, reading, cooking, spending time with his friends

Dream: To find a place where he and his friends can live the rest of their lives in peace

Abilities: Stretching, time/space control, dimensional travel

Pensword Name: (he has one but doesn’t use it, so it’s currently unknown)

Birthday: June 18, 1993

Voice: Sounds like Klonoa (Klonoa [Wii, Phantomile voice]) (Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil)