Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ezra J. Cook II aka e-chan

e-chan is a man who only need the simple things in life: friends, family...and randomness! It was at the age of 4 when he first developed his love for drawing after repeatedly watching a tape of classic Mickey Mouse cartoons. His first masterpiece: multiple exact replicas of the 1920's style Mickey Mouse...drawn on his bedroom wall ^^; it's a good thing that he used pencil instead of marker XD. As he grew older, his imagination grew as he continued to draw and improve his skills. He's naturally very patient and laid-back, prefering nice quiet places to relax, but he will go to places with his friends and hang out when he gets the chance to.

Although e-chan lacks a lot of confidence in himself, he always strives to do what's right. Because his mind mind is very overactive, he's hired iDEAL, and later Luna Draco, to help keep his thoughts organized so that he can concentrate better. He doesn't like fighting and would rather run from danger than face it. But for the times when there's no escaping a situation like that he's learned how to use his own opponent's strength against them; he currently trying to teach this pacifist fighting style to both Aluma Yakaru and Luna Draco. With his wild imagination and artist skills at his disposal, e-chan has created all sorts of quirky techniques to indirectly deal with his opponents.

He can make friends with relative ease. Despite their age-gap, e-chan has been able to become great friends with Mizuki Ichiro (mainly because he encourages her rather eccentric behavior instead of trying to change it ^w^;) Although he's failed many times in the love department, he was determined to never give up trying or let those failures discourage him; this determination eventually paid off when he confessed to Lalao Yakaru and she agreed to become his girlfriend.

Fun Fact: e-chan absolutely LOVES cute things. :D

First Name: Ezra

Middle Name: Jerome

Last Name: Cook

Nickname: e-chan

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Height: 5"07 ft.

Race: Human

Elemental E-nergy type: Can use every type

Likes: Popsickles, wood-grilled rainbow trout; ice cream, Muchies-Cheese Mix, cheese burgers, Red Velvet cake, anime, manga, video games

Friends: Ashuro, Mizuki, Renezmae, Annaliese, iDEAL, Luna, Marius, Shonnie, Kevin, Joey, Brianna, Adongod, Aluma, Yuki, Roxie, Skylar and many MANY more

Loves: Lalao Yakaru

Hates: Loud noise, messiness, hypocrites, bullies, when people that don't take him seriously-listen to him-let him talk or undermind his intelligence

Fears: Being hated, disappointing people who put their trust in him, wasps and cotton balls

Hobbies: Drawing, playing video games, reading manga, relaxing, doing things that'll help others

Dream: To find true happiness

Abilities: Uses art to bend the reality around him (He also has an ability that’s always active called ”Safeguard” that protects him from various techniques like Mahiru Trap powers, mind-control of all types and many other things. This ability also cannot be nullified by outside forces or even e-chan himself.)

Birthday: January 5, 1985

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