Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ashuro S. Kamaké

Ashuro Kamaké is a happy, helpful and kind person with a heart of gold.

At the age of 3, Ashuro was orphaned when his parents were killed in front of him by a mob of hateful, prejudiced people because of their Aquitican blood. After surviving on his own for 7 years, Ashuro was befriended by the current boss of the Saturn Family and founder of MASTER HQ, Lorenzo Saturn. About 3 weeks after he first arrived at MASTER HQ, he was used as a test subject for a program that both Lorenzo and Scooter developed; the end result was Ashuro living 64 different lifetimes (of about 30 to 50 years) of pain and repeated loss. With the help of Scooter and Claire, all three of them escaped from MASTER HQ. After suffering the intensified wrath of the people of his hometown, Ashuro was befriended by a man named A.K., who in the end took Ashuro into his family and raised him as his own son for the next 4 years until A.K. and his wife had to leave and take care of some urgent business. Knowing that he always had a home to return to, Ashuro decided to travel everywhere he could to have many wonderful adventures and make many new friends.

Despite the unreal and agonizing torture he was put through both physically and most of all mentally, he is always able to keep a smile on his face and have an upbeat, positive attitude on life, although he does have the tendency to lose control of himself when he learns of or sees somebody experiencing unjust cruelty and will often react immediately while doing his best to restrain himself from doing something regretful.

As a Nekofi, Ashuro's body is boneless and rubbery, being able to stretch any part of his body to great lengths. As an end result from his time at MASTER HQ, Ashuro has had two stones embedded into his hands that are able to store an infinite amount of items inside them and has gained hundreds of years worth of knowledge and experiences.

He has a sweet, pure-hearted girlfriend named Annaliese Fellorr who he loves with all of his heart. Since the two of them grew up having similar experiences, they became friends the day they met and later became a couple when Ashuro realized just how precious Annaliese was to him after protecting her from her two brothers, John and Maxal.

Fun Fact: Ashuro doesn't like being thought of as a hero

First Name: Ashuro

Middle Name: Sunahara

Last Name: Kamaké

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Height: 4 ft

Hair Color: Black and White

Eye Color: Red

Race: Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy type: Can use every type but mostly uses Time and Space type

Likes: Peace, Red Velvet cake, fish (preferably wood-grilled), yarn balls, bells

Friends: his crewmates, e-chan, Tsunami-Ryu, Katrina, Nitros, Marius, Aluma, Shaasha, Karin, Kevin, Shonnie, Jimmy, Joey, Skylar, Arashi, Sora, Trey, Adongod, Ralticina, Random Hero and many others...

Loves: Annaliese Fellorr

Hates: Having his peace disturbed, seeing his friends in pain, injustice, Bullies, evil acts, prejudice attitudes

Fears: Death of a friend

Hobbies: Training, fishing, napping, exploring new places, treasure hunting, reading, cooking, spending time with his friends

Dream: To find a place where he and his friends can live the rest of their lives in peace

Abilities: Stretching, time/space control, dimensional travel

Pensword Name: (he has one but doesn’t use it, so it’s currently unknown)

Birthday: June 18, 1993

Voice: Sounds like Klonoa (Klonoa [Wii, Phantomile voice]) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjsiaHJMhEI (Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1r1-kpie9k