Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ezra J. Cook II aka e-kun

The one born from e-chan’s negative emotions.

e-kun was born from e-chan's bottled-up emotions and regret. He is e-chan's opposite in many ways, especially in regards to personality traits; while e-chan is very patient/tolerant, e-kun is very short-fused and will get angry really quickly and easily if something sets him off. Despite this, he's actually a nice and kind individual; he greatly loves Roxie because of her kindness towards him (she gave him a free ice cream cone one day when he was really down) and really enjoys helping her out at her ice cream shoppe. e-kun has incredible physical strength and the ability to weild elemental E-nergy very easily; he’s also a very good cook and baker and plans to help Roxie expand her business.

First Name: Ezra

Middle Name: Jerome

Last Name: Cook

Nickname: e-kun

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Height: 5"07 ft

Likes: Being mischievous, playing pranks, ice cream, gaming

Friends: Rocko, Scooter, Sashi, Megumi, Karin, Brandi, Esma, Shonnie, Cheeko, Yuki, Senkia, and many more...

Loves: Roxie Road

Dislikes: Goodie-two-shoes, hypocrites, seeing Roxie being teased/picked on

Hates: Jerks

Fears: Being abandoned/forgotten

Hobbies: Cooking, cleaning, training

Birthday: January 5, 1985

Voice: Sounds like Sanji (One Piece [Eric Vale])

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