Sunday, January 31, 2016


iDEAL and Dream's new sister

After indulging in an All-You-Can-Eat pancake promotion history repeated itself for the sixth time when a new being came out of e-chan's head when he was sleeping. This immediately proceeded over to Blitz's home where she paid iDEAL and Dream a sudden visit and introduced herself as their new sister. Desire is the embodiment of e-chan's hopes and desires and is...well...very different from any of the others who came out of e-chan's head. While iDEAL might be clumsy at times, Dream being young and mischievous or even e-hime being kind of a ditz at times, Desire is...simply idiot. Her name fits her as she is a true slave to whatever she desires; her intelligence is highly questionable as she can't multiply or divide (and has trouble adding and subtracting) but has no trouble when it comes to memory games. Desire is also quite the pervert and often ignores common sense or inherent consequences in order to get a good look at or grope her victims. The only thing she is really good at is playing games, both outdoor and video games. Desire loves e-chan with all her heart and REALLY seems to love Suku girls and her soon-to-be mother-in-law Cheryl (despite their disastrous first meeting ^^; ) Despite her questionable intelligence and perverted nature, Desire's innocent view of the world and the people around her make it impossible to hate her.

First Name: Desire

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Height: 5 ft

Eye color: Pink

Hair color: Sea green

Race: Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Likes: Bananas, donuts, fruit-flavored candy, Sukus, Ookami, nice butts and boobs

Family: iDEAL (big sister) Dream (little sister)

Loves: e-chan

Hates: Puzzles and math

Hobbies: Playing outside/sports, playing video games, eating tasty foods, hanging out with her sisters

Ability: ...none to speak of

Birthday: May 21, 2000