Thursday, May 8, 2014

Annette C. Splash

The kunoichi housemaid that’ll solve any problem that ails you

Several hundred years ago, Annette was a kunoichi who left her kingdom so as not to serve her tyrannical ruler. She had multiple encounters with her former comrades, narrowly escaping them each time. On one of her last encounters with her former comrades she was gravely injured and left to die in an open field. She was saved by the leader of a resistance group out to dethrone the ruler of her home kingdom, Ragnar Quick, Baron Quick’s ancestor. For saving her life Annette vowed to serve his family for the rest of her days which she did for several hundred years, lending aid to all the heads of the Quick Family. When the Quick Family was betrayed by an ally family a few years ago, Baron’s father instructed Annette to take his young son somewhere safe and look after him should he and the rest of the family not survive the attack, which she did loyally. Even now she continues to look after the remaining descendant of the Quick Family and hopes to help him rebuild his family.

Being a caretaker for the Quick Family for so long she’s really good at helping others and is well known wherever she goes as somebody that’ll help you with your problems in her own unique way.

Fun Fact: As they grew up, all of the Quick Family boys that she helped raise developed a crush on her, Baron included.

First Name: Annette

Middle Name: Cerulean

Last Name: Splash

Age: 323

Sex: Female

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Pink and Rose

Height: 5”07 ft

Race: Human

Bloodline: Aquitican

Elemental E-nergy: Water and Fire

Likes: Noodles, rice dishes, milk, turtles

Friends: Gets along with nearly everybody

Family: Baron Quick (Master)

Hobbies: Cleaning, cooking, helping others in need

Dream: To help Baron rebuild his family and to successfully honor her promise in serving the Quick Family

Birthday: March 23, 1691

Baron Z. Quick

Pepper Quil’s rival in the battle for Cherry’s hand in marriage.

Baron is the only surviving blood family member of the Quick Family after a treacherous attack from an ally family. With the assistance of his kunoichi maid, Annette, Baron is determined to rebuild his family and find out which ally family betrayed his family. He is the type of person who does things on a whim and will usually jump into a situation without a plan and leaving it up to Annette to think up an escape plan should things go wrong.

At a young age, Baron’s parents trained him to be strong; they even went as far as having his body fused with a rare alien jewel that gave him the power to metalize his body. With those years of training with his parents, Baron has become very strong and very fast as well. While not as fast as Pepper, he is definitely physically stronger than him. He first meets Pepper when he tracks him down to battle him for Princess Cherry Galactic’s hand in marriage. Although the two of them have the same abilities, Baron is able to gain the upper hand for a while due to him receiving training in the many ways to use his metalize ability but eventually lost to Pepper’s quick thinking and resourcefulness. Since then he has become friends with Pepper but he still sees him as a rival for Cherry and continues to battle him for her hand in marriage and losing each time.

Fun Fact: Baron’s middle name was cursed by magician he pissed off. Whenever it is spoken to him by somebody else random things happen to his body like suddenly being forced to the ground Inuyasha-style, getting severe stomach pains, getting shrunken, becoming extremely weak and light-weighted and on the rare occasions getting a power boost.

First Name: Baron

Middle Name: Zipongi

Last Name: Quick

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Grey

Height: 6”10 ft

Race: Lobinu/Ookami mix

Likes: Pizza, busty girls, girls with nice butts

Friends: Pepper, Mugz, Jim, Ashuro, Arzekiel and many more

Family: Annette Splash (in-home maid)

Dream: To restore his family and to have his own harem of alien girls

Birthday: May 7, 1987