Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The warrior from another dimension

Cinder is a slime warrior woman from a world at war over the planet’s water supply. By far she was her army’s best soldier. Cinder was fighting the leader of the opposing side when she fell into the opposing leader’s trap and was sealed inside of a small bottle and then flung into a portal that took her several hundred years into the future in another dimension. The bottle found its way to e-chan’s world where he found it and took it home with him. Upon opening the bottle Cinder was freed and not too pleased with her surroundings. After e-chan calmed her down and answered a few of her questions she learned that her world no longer existed and she was without a home to return to; that’s when e-chan kindly offered her the chance to stay with him, an offer she accepted. To repay e-chan for his kindness she has made herself his official bodyguard. Cinder is now learning to adapt to living in a world that isn’t at war but is happy to live in a world where water is in abundant supply.

Name: Cinder

Age: 22 (true age is 322 since she travelled through time)

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Brown

Race: Slime

Elemental E-nergy type: Water

Likes: Water, juice and other refreshing beverages

Friends: e-chan, Scooter, Snow, Dream, iDEAL, Ashuro, Claire, Klarina, Snoopy, Pepper, Oceana, Xam and many more

Hates: Hot dry areas

Fears: Letting her friends down

Abilities: Shape-shifting and liquefying/hardening her body

Birthday: July 1, 1691

Voice: Sounds like Sully (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Friday, March 15, 2013


iDEAL’s dream hopping little sister

Dream is a rather mysterious girl. She first appeared to e-chan in a dream he was having and simply said to him ”See you in the morning.” Imagine his surprise when he woke up and the little Nekofi girl was lying next to him in his bed. Dream explained to e-chan that she was the embodiment of his dreams similar to how iDEAL was the embodiment of his beliefs and ideals, which meant she was just like iDEAL in that she came from out of e-chan’s head. She has the ability to enter anybody’s mind regardless of whether they are asleep or awake. Although Dream can eat regular food she can only get true nourishment by eating dreams (so if you see her in your dreams that means that she’s chosen to eat your dreams that night. ;) ) Unlike her big sister, iDEAL, Dream isn’t clumbsy and is very methodical in everything that she does.

First Name: Dream

Age: 10

Sex: Female

Eye Color: Violet

Hair Color: Sea Green

Race: Nekofi (Singapura)

Bloodline: Aquitican

Likes: Happy dreams

Friends: e-chan, Scooter, Snow and many more

Family: iDEAL (eldest sister) Desire (middle sister)

Hates: Nightmares (she gets sick if she eats bad dreams)

Hobbies: Being mischievous, flipping skirts and pantsing other girls XD

Ability: Entering the minds of others and connecting people’s dreams together

Birthday: March 13, 2005