Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rocko T. Yemma

Despite his personality, Rocko is a genius that lives to invent cool and quirky gadgets and tools.

He met Ashuro soon after A.K. had rescued him and the two of them became friends almost instantly. Even though he and Batou argue and fight with each other, both of them are actually best friends. Rocko has made a robotic aid named Kojiro to help him out and to take care of his home when he’s not around. Rocko’s greatest accomplishment was when he created a special living metal that he used to create both Kojiro and Batou’s auto-mail limbs. Because he’s always coming up with new ideas or ways to improve his previous works, he pretty much lives in his workshop now, only leaving it when he has other things to do. He has many colleagues like Dr. Pine, Helena Shigi and Dr. F that he shares his research with in hopes of gaining even more knowledge about many different topics (he doesn’t share a lot of his research with Dr. F because he’s afraid of what he would do with it ^^;) Rocko is an ace Sniper and has the ability to easily wield elemental E-nergy (thanks to his Mentelé blood) and specializes in Electric E-nergy, an advanced form of Fire-type elemental E-nergy, using it in many creative ways.

Rocko is also a huge pervert and very mischievous and loves to play pranks on people (mainly those who he thinks deserves it…and Batou XD) which usually results in him getting beat up or sent flying high into the sky. ^^; With Skylar’s help, Rocko has vowed to improve himself and become a less perverted man and has been successful for the most part. Later down the line, he grew closer to Maggie Fermbuckz and eventually realized that he had genuine feeling for her; something he had NEVER felt for any girl before. After a series of emotional moments, Rocko and Maggie became an official couple.

Fun Fact: Whenever Rocko eats too much candy, he’ll go insane and start cosplaying as various anime, manga and video game characters.

First Name: Rocko

Middle Name: Theodore

Last Name: Yemma

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Height: 1”04 ft. (4”09 ft. in human form; 6”01 ft. in Grandmaster form)

Hair Color: Yellow

Eye Color: Red

Race: Verdenté (Teddy Bear Hamster)

Bloodline: Mentelé

Elemental E-nergy type: Fire (uses high level elemental Fire E-nergy: Lightning)

Likes: Various fruits, candy

Friends: Ashuro, Batou, his crewmates, Skylar, Dr. Pine, e-kun, Aluma, Mizuki, Eho, Marius, Dr. F, Arashi, Sora, Kikisho, Senkia

Loves: Maggie Fermbuckz

Hates: Buzz-kill, corny jokes, people more perverted than him (he does have SOME standards) and hypocrites (like Lisa Valion)

Fears: Klarina and Shaasha

Hobbies: Inventing new tools and gadgets, playing pranks

Dream: To create his own planet

Abilities: Marksman, Sniper and using his electrical powers in various ways.

Pensword Name: Octoshot

Birthday: March 19, 1994

Voice: Sounds like Krillin (Dragon Ball Kai - Sonny Strait) http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/voice-compare/Dragon-Ball/Krillin/